Spotts Willis

  • Year:1976
  • Category:Men Players
  • Other:ISC Hall of Fame
  • Show More
An outstanding catcher, manager and administrator, this three-time All-American was one of Arizona’s top softball personalities for 15 years. Blessed with a quick and accurate throwing arm, he was receiver for many of the nation’s leading pitchers in seven national tournaments. An All-State selection eight times, he starred in Phoenix major league play for Fike Plumbers, Phalanx Fraternity, O. S. Stapley, Denton Tires, Itule Bros., Shawyer Bros., and Clark Smith Autos. He later became a successful manager and in 1959 was named Arizona commissioner for the International Softball Congress, staging annual state and regional tournaments. He was one of the organizers and officers of the Arizona Softball Foundation, which sponsors the Arizona Softball Hall of Fame.